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Justin Peters

Justin Peters Ministries is a worldwide expository preaching and teaching ministry. Justin Peters focuses on teaching the sufficiency of God's word and exposing the false teachings of the prosperity, health and wealth gospel. 

False teachings exposed

Video of Justin Peters telling churches to Stop playing Hillsong and Bethel Music.
21 min  •  Video  •  Audio 
3.7M views on YouTube • 2020

YouTube video by Justin Peters exposing the Bethel School of SupernaturalM Ministry.
19 min  •  Video  •  Audio 
458K views on YouTube • 2023  (on YouTube)

Video image by Justin Peters. I Contacted Bethel Church: They Are Lying To You
16 min  •  Video  •  Audio 
196K views on YouTube • 2024  (on YouTube)

Video by Justin Peters on Creflo Dollar and if he repented.
34 min  •  Video  •  Audio 
281K views on YouTube • 2022  (on YouTube)

Watch YouTube video of Justin Peters exposing false teachers in the Word of Faith and Prosperity Gospel movement.
28 min  •  11M views on YouTube  •  Video  •  2015

Justin Peters teaches a biblical eye-opening seminar around the world that exposes the deceptions of the prosperity gospel.  (on YouTube)

YouTube video by Justin Peters called: Proof: The mondern "profits" are liars, charlatans and frauds

The COVID-19 virus has utterly exposed the Word-Faith / N.A.R. / prophetic / charismatic movement as a total farce. If you want one-stop, irrefutable proof that the modern "prophets" are frauds, liars, and charlatans, this is it.

2.4 hours  •  1.2M views on YouTube  •  Video  •  Audio  •  2020  (on YouTube)

Video by Justin Peters exposing the Word-Faith movement.
65 min  •  Video • Audio • Text
2.3M views on YouTube • 2013   (on

YouTube video by Justin  Peters exposing dangerous doctrines.
71 min  •  Video • Audio 
420K views on YouTube • 2019  (on YouTube)

YouTube video by Justin Peters whether sign gifts still exist.
82 min  •  Video • Audio 
594K views on YouTube • 2019  (on YouTube)

YouTube video of Justin Peters exposes faith healers.
78 min  •  Video • Audio 
314K views on YouTube • 2019  on (YouTube)

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