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Heaven & Hell

What does the Bible say about Heaven and Hell? Where will you'll spend eternity?

FAQs on Heaven, Hell, Judgment

Watch video of the answer to the question: Is there life after death?
6 min  •  Text  •  Video

Watch video of the answer to the question: What happens after death?
3 min  •  Text  •  Video

Watch video of the answer to the question: How can I know for sure that I will go to heaven when I die?
4 min  •  Text  •  Video

Watch video of the answer to the question: What are the new heavens and the new earth?
4 min  •  Text  •  Video

Quick summary on Heaven — Heaven is a place of comfort where God dwells. It's a place where a believer's soul/spirit immediately goes to be with Christ when they die. The body will then be resurrected and be reunited with one's soul/spirit at the return of Christ. At this resurrection of the body, "Jesus Christ" . . . "will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body." (Phil 3:20). After the Millennium, believers in their glorified bodies will be ushered into the final new heaven and new earth. 

Image of glorified bodies in heaven
Watch John MacArthur describe the wide range of beliefs about hell and what the Bible says about hell
57 min  •  Video  •  Audio  •  Text  •  2011  •  1.9M view on YouTube  •  John MacArthur

John MacArthur covers a wide range of beliefs about hell: temporary or permanent, annihilationism, soul sleep, universalism, inclusivism, degrees of hell, what sends you there, and more. He clarifies what the Bible says, not society.

Quick summary on Hell — Hell is a symbolic term used to describe a place of torment after death. Hell is also referred to as Hades, Gehenna, wrath of God and other terms. Hell is where an unbeliever's soul/spirit immediately goes when they die. At the end of the Millennium, the unbeliever's body will be resurrected and reunited with their soul/spirit to face Christ at the Great White Throne Judgment. Christ will judge them and cast them into the Lake of Fire. It's described as a place of "everlasting destruction" and "burning sulfur" where the "fire is not quenched" and the wicked are "tormented day and night forever and ever."

Image of people burning in fiery hell
Watch video of the answer to the question: Is hell real? Is hell eternal?
4 min  •  Text  •  Video

Watch video of the answer to the question: What is the difference between Sheol, Hades,  the Lake of fire, Paradise, and Abrham's bosom?
3 min  •  Text  •  Video

Watch video of the answer to the question: Do unbelievers immediately go to hell when they die?
6 min  •  Text  •  Video

Watch video of the answer to the question: How is eternity in hell a fair punishment for sin?
4 min  •  Text  •  Video

Quick summary on Judgments and when they occur
-Those who hold an Amillennial or Postmillennial view of end times suggest there is only one final judgment for both believers and unbelievers. It occurs at the Second Coming of Christ at end of the Millennium. This is generally known as the Great White Throne Judgment mentioned in Rev 20:11.

-Those who hold a Premillennial view of end times suggest believers are judged and resurrected in their glorified bodies before the Millennium, not after. This occurs at the Rapture at the beginning of the 7-year Tribulation and/or the Second Coming of Christ at the end of the Tribulation. Then, the 1,000 year Millennium begins. 

Believers are judged for their deeds to determine the rewards or crowns they will receive in heaven (1 Cor 9:24-25). It's not a time to punish sin since Jesus took our punishment once and for all on the cross. Instead, believers will be judged for what they did for Jesus, whether good or worthless—wood, hay and straw (1 Cor 3:10-15). This judgment is generally known as the Judgement Seat of Christ (2 Cor 5:10). In the Greek, the word for “judgment seat” is bema. A bema was an elevated platform where victorious athletes received their crowns, similar to the medal stand in the Olympics.

Unbelievers are judged at the end of the Millennium in all three end-time views, Premil, Amil and Postmil. Unbelievers go to the Great White Throne Judgment where they are judged for their deeds to determine their degree of punishment in hell before being cast into the Lake of Fire. 

-However, with all the various end-time views Christians hold, the final result is the same: believers go to heaven with rewards, and unbelievers are cast into the Lake of Fire for eternal punishment.

Image of Jesus on the judgment seat of Christ
Image of Jesus seated on the Great White Throne judgmentt

Hell teachings

Watch pastor Tom Pennington explain the last judgment in Revelation 22
45 min  •  Video  •  Audio  •  Slides  •  2024  •  Tom Pennington

After the 1,000 year millennium at the end of the world, Tom Pennington explains the Great White Throne Judgment described in Revelation 20:11-15. He teaches about that day, the place, the defendants on trial, the records of one's actions, words and thoughts, and the Lamb's book of Life.

Pastor Tom Pennington's teaching on heaven and our eternal home

Learn what the Bible says about the destruction of this present universe and what the new eternal city will be like. He covers whether we'll be in spirit form or in physical form (eating, drinking and engaging in normal activities).

48 min  •  Video  •  Audio  •  Slides  •  Rev 21:1-8
48 min  •  Video  •  Audio  •  Slides  •  Rev 21:1-8
43 min  •  Video  •  Audio  •  Slides  •  Rev 21:9 - 22:5
47 min  •  Video  •  Audio  •  Slides  •  Rev 21:9 - 22:5
33 min  •  Video  •  Audio  •  Slides  •  Rev 21:9 - 22:5
John MacArthur's teaching on the new heaven and new earth

Pastor MacArthur describes the destruction and recreation of the new heavens and new earth after the final judgment. He also describes the physical appearance of the capital city of heaven which is the new Jerusalem where we will live forever.

40-68 min  •  Audio  •  Text  •  1995

Philip de Courcy teaching on heaven and the intermediate state after you die
Philip de Courcy's teaching series on heaven

Pastor Philip examines scripture to provide and in-depth view of what heaven will be like. Where is it located? Where will we live? What will we do? What won't be there?

57 min  •  Video  •  Audio  •  Text  •  2 Cor 5:1-8
59 min  •  Video  •  Audio  •  Text  •  John 14:1-6
52 min  •  Video  •  Audio  •  Text  •  2 Cor 5:9-11
51 min  •  Video  •  Audio  •  Text  •  2 Cor 5:9-11
50 min  •  Audio  •  Text  •  Rev 19:1-10
51 min  •  Video  •  Audio  •  Text  •  1 Cor 15:35-49
56 min  •  Video  •  Audio  •  Text  •  1 Cor 15:35-49
49 min  •  Video  •  Audio  •  Text  •  Rev 22:1-5
55 min  •  Video  •  Audio  •  Text  •  Rev 22:1-5
54 min  •  Video  •  Audio  •  Text  •  Rev 21:1-5
60 min  •  Video  •  Audio  •  Text  •  Rev 21-22
43 min  •  Video  •  Audio  •  Rev 21-22

Who believes in Heaven & Hell

Heaven teachings

Watch R.C. Sproul's sermon, Can We Enjoy Heaven Knowing of Loved Ones in Hell?
45 min  •  Video  •  Audio 
5.6M views on YouTube • 2010
R.C. Sproul (on YouTube)

Watch Justin Peters refutes Jesse Duplantis' claim he visited heaven
28 min  •  Video  •  Audio 
496K views on YouTube • 2021
Justin Peters (on YouTube)

Listen to Voddie Baucham teach on Revelation and the last and final call
50 min  •  Audio 
46K views on YouTube • 2023
Voddie Baucham (on YouTube)

Watch Ray Comfort talk to four young men about if they think they are going to heaven
13 min  •  Video 
141K views on YouTube • 2021
Ray Comfort (on YouTube)

Chart of American theological views on heaven and hell

"Two thirds (67 percent) of Americans believe heaven is a real place."
"Just under half of Americans (45 percent) say there are many ways to heaven—which conflicts with traditional views about salvation being linked to faith in Jesus." 
"About 6 in 10 Americans (61 percent) say hell is a real place."
"Overall, Americans don’t seem too worried about sin or being sent to hell."
(chart and quotes from

Based on this research, many people are deceived and will be shocked to find themselves in hell some day. Don't be one of them. 

To learn more about trusting and believing in Jesus, visit our Salvation category page and read the section on "How can I be saved?" by clicking HERE.

Watch video of the answer to the question: What is the great white throne judgment?tg
4 min  •  Text  •  Video

GQ WhatIsTheJudgmentSeatOfChrist.jpg
7 min  •  Text  •  Video

Watch video of the answer to the question: What are the five heavenly crowns that believers can receive in heaven?
6 min  •  Text  •  Video

Watch video of the answer to the question: Do believers immediately go to heaven when they die?
5 min  •  Text  •  Video

Listen to R.C. Sproul on his first of five teachings on hell
21 min each  •  Audio  •  R.C. Sproul

In this series on hell, Dr. Sproul explains the severity of hell, the reason for the existence of hell and why there must be "Degrees of Punishment." Then he looks at the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus to teach us the finality of God's sentence upon unrepentant sinners. The fifth teaching covers numerous questions such as "Did Jesus descend into hell?"

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