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Visit Ray Comfort's Living Waters website who is its founder.
Visit the Living Waters website.

Ray Comfort

Ray Comfort is the Founder and CEO of Living Waters, a bestselling author, and has written more than 100 books. He cohosts the award-winning television program Way of the Master, which airs in 190 countries. His focus is on evangelism including videotaping conversations with passersby in Huntington Beach, California.

Video of Golden Globes and Hollywood mocking God.
8 min • Video
5M views on YouTube • 2025  (on YouTube)

Video of Hollywood mocking God and  why it's hard to say sorry to God.
13 min • Video
1.1M views on YouTube • 2025  (on YouTube)

Video of comedian mocking Jesus then collapsing on stage
11 min • Video
2.5M views on YouTube • 2022  (on YouTube)

Video of why does Hollywood feel so free to mock Jesus but not Mohammed?
14 min • Video
71K views on YouTube • 2025  (on YouTube)

Video of young man coming to repentance after talking to Ray Comfort
10 min  •  4.5M views on YouTube  •  2020

Ray Comfort, a Christian evangelist, talks about Jesus with a young man who doesn’t care much about Christianity at first.

Video of a young woman coming to the reality of her sin after talking to Ray Comfort
14 min  •  2.1M views on YouTube  •  2022

In this touching evangelism encounter, Ray Comfort shares the gospel with a young woman who is deeply moved by the reality of her sin against a holy God.

Video of Jamie Foxx and Ray Comfort confronting a young man.
15 min  •  857K views on YouTube  •  2024 

The world paid attention when Jamie Foxx spoke of his near-death experience. Ray Comfort examines his words, and shares a confrontational interview with a man and his mother at Huntington Beach.

Video on Paris Olympics mocking Jesus at the Last Supper
12 min  •  2.6M views on YouTube  •  2024

Many were struck by the blatant blasphemy on display mocking the Last Supper in the Olympic opening ceremonies. Watch EZ, Mark, and Oscar as they bring God’s truth to the streets of Paris, France.

Listen to a talk about true and false conversions to Christianity by Ray Comfort.
64 min  •  Audio  •  Text  •  Ray Comfort

This message explains why divorce, alcohol and drug addiction, immorality, and abortion are so prevalent within the church today. Are our churches really filled with true believers?

Listen to Ray Comfort explain why so many Christians fall away from their faith.
52 min  •  Audio  •  Text  •  Ray Comfort

Why do 80–90% of those making a decision for Christ fall away from the faith? What is the biblical principle that Spurgeon, Wesley, Whitefield, etc., used to reach the lost?

Movie with interviews of atheist who deny God and why they're wrong.
62 min  •  4.1M views  •  Video  •  2016
Interviews of professors who believe in evolution while Ray Comfort tells them about creation.
35 min  •  348K views  •  Video  •  2021 
Ten of the top scientific facts of the Bible movie poster by Living Waters
29 min  •  4.1M views  •  Video  •  2017 
Movie about Ray Comfort's life as a street evangelist using a banana as a prop.
65 min  •  1.2M views  •  Video  •  2019 
Movie aboutJerusalem, Armageddon, America, and the Last Days by Living Waters
34 min  •  1.3M views  •  Video  •  2019
Movie called Genius, based on the life and tragic murder of John Lennon by Living Waters.
34 min  •  1.3M views  •  Video  •  2012 
A movie called 180 with a pro-life message where eight minds are changed on abortion.
33 min  •  6.1M views  •  Video  •  2011
A movie called Audacity where a comedian is hesitant to share his faith with homosexuals.
55 min  •  1.5M views  •  Video  •  2015
Video of Ray Comfort witnessing to a man and at the end says why he doesn't pray the sinners prayer with people.
16 min  •  994K views on YouTube  •  2021

After sharing the gospel with a receptive man, many may wonder why Ray Comfort doesn’t walk him through the sinner’s prayer. At the end of this evangelism encounter, Ray explains why he doesn’t: because it’s unbiblical.

Video on how to avoid being a hypocrite by the Living Waters podcast crew.
14 min  •  63k views on YouTube  •  2024

Nobody likes a hypocrite! In this video, the Living Waters crew dives into what marks, defines, and results from living a hypocritical lifestyle and faith.

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