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Discover what the Bible says about true Salvation in our favorite videos and sermons on BIBLE SURF

Featured content on salvation

Video and text answers the question: How can I guarauntee my eternal destination
5 min  •  Video  •  Text

The Bible makes a clear distinction between those who have eternal life and those who do not.

Video by Doctor Jason Lisle on the logical reasons to believe in the existence of God.
4 min  •  Video  •  Dr. Jason Lisle

Dr. Lisle spells out certain laws that we all know exist, but wouldn't exist if we simply evolved.

Video graphic of Paul Washer preaching a Shocking Youth Message
57 min  •  4M views and 426K views on YouTube  •  Video  •  Paul Washer

Paul Washer shares a shocking message at a youth conference in 2002 that is still relevant today.

Movie on atheists who deny God and the reasons why they shouldn't by Ray Comfort.
62 min  •  4.1M views on YouTube •  Video  •  Ray Comfort

Ray Comfort reveals what is going on in the mind of those who deny God exists. It introduces you to a number of atheists who enter into a place of honesty that is rarely seen on film.

Watch sermon, Is Jesus the only way or is He just one of many paths to God, by John MacArthur.
57 min  •  1.5M views on YouTube  •  Video  •  John MacArthur

Is Jesus Christ just one way among many valid paths to God? How does pluralism conflict with the exclusive claims of Christ. and

Video teaching by R.C. Sproul on being chosen by God.
30 min  •  Video  •  Audio  •  Text
29 min  •  Video  •  Audio  •  Text  •  Eph 2 
45 min  •  Audio  •  Rom 10:16-21
30 min  •  Audio  •  Text  •  Luke 15:11-32
33 min  •  Audio  •  Text  •  Luke 15:14-32
28 min  •  Video  •  Audio  •  Text

John MacArthur on salvation

Video of young man crying after he hears Ray Comfort share the gospel with him.
10 min  •  4.5M views on YouTube  •  Video  •  Ray Comfort

Ray Comfort, a Christian evangelist, talks about Jesus with a young man who doesn’t care much about Christianity at first.

Listen to Ray Comfort explain why so many people fall away from their faith.
52 min  •  Audio  •  Text  •  Ray Comfort

Ray Comfort addresses why 80–90% of those making a decision for Christ fall away from the faith? What is the biblical principle that Spurgeon, Wesley, Whitefield, etc., used to reach the lost?

R.C. Sproul on salvation

Sermon by John MacArthur preaching 5 words of hope for going to heaven.

John MacArthur sermons on how to go to heaven

54 min  •  Audio  •  Text  •  2 Cor 5:21  •  1995
52 min  •  Audio  •  Text  •  Luke 10:25  •  2003
53 min  •  Audio  •  Text  •  Luke 10:25-28 •  2003
52 min  •  Audio  •  Text  •  Luke 10:25-29 •  2003

Dr. Steven Lawson on salvation

God's Golden Chain of Salvation, Part 1

God's Golden Chain of Salvation, Part 2

FAQs on Salvation

How can I be saved? - article and video.
3 min  •  Text  •  Video

What is salvation? - article and video.
2 min  •  Text  •  Video

Is baptism necessary for salvation? - article and video.
5 min  •  Text  •  Video

Is once saved, always saved Biblical? - article and video.
4 min  •  Text  •  Video

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