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False Teachings

Exposed — false teachings, faith healers, and Bible verses we may get wrong revealed on BIBLE SURF

FAQs on false teachings

Get answers to frequently asked questions about false teachers on

Watch video of the question, Is the Word of Faith movement biblical?
5 min  •  Video  •  Text

Read the answer to the question, are faith healers for real?
4 min  •  Text

Watch video of a question answered, how can I recognize a false teacher? re
4 min  •  Video  •  Text

Watch video of the answer to the question, are all prosperity preachers charlatans or false teachers?
7 min  •  Video  •  Text

Verses we may get wrong

Many Bible verses we think we know, but we don’t!  When We Understand The Text ( exposes myths and false ideas that have arisen from bad teaching. 

Watch video countering the concept that the Bible says we're little gods.
1 min  •  Video  •  Text

Watch video on what is a faith healer?
1 min  •  Video  •  Text

Watch video criticizing a song with lyrics that says God's love is reckless.
1 min  •  Video  •  Text

Watch video that says what's wrong with the book, Jesus Calling.
1 min  •  Video  •  Text

Justin Peters exposes false teachings

Watch YouTube video of Justin Peters exposing false teachers in the Word of Faith and Prosperity Gospel movement.
28 min  •  11M views on YouTube  •  2011  •  Video  •  Justin Peters

Justin Peters teaches a biblical eye-opening seminar around the world that exposes the deceptions of the prosperity gospel.

Justin  (on YouTube)

Justin Peters, in his teens, went to faith healers hoping to be healed of his cerebral palsy. In his later years, after not being healed, he realized the Biblical problems with the Word-Faith movement. He now focuses on teaching the sufficiency of God's word and exposing false teachings.

Video of Justin Peters telling churches to Stop playing Hillsong and Bethel Music.
21 min  •  Video  •  Audio 
3.7M views on YouTube • 2020

YouTube video by Justin Peters exposing the Bethel School of SupernaturalM Ministry.
19 min  •  Video  •  Audio 
458K views on YouTube • 2023  (on YouTube)

Watch YouTube video of Justin Peter's direct personal plea to Kenneth Copeland because of his heresies.
 86 min  •  Video  •  Audio 
658K views on YouTube • 2022  (on YouTube)

Video on YouTube by Justin Peters on Creflo Dollar and if he repented.
34 min  •  Video  •  Audio 
281K views on YouTube • 2022  (on YouTube)

Strange Fire conference

Video on YouTube of Justin Peters at the Strange Fire conference entitled, the devilish puppet master of the Word-Faith movement.
65 min  •  Video • Audio • Text 

2.3M views on YouTube
Justin Peters  •  2013
Watch YouTube video of Justin Peters at the Strange Fire conference entitled, spiritual shipwreck of the Word-Faith movement delivered at the Strange Fire conference.
76 min  •  Video • Audio • Text

1.3M views on YouTube
Justin Peters  •  2013
Watch a YouTube video by Justin Peters entitled, undervaluing Pentecost at the Strange Fire conference.
42 min  •  Video • Audio • Text

247K views on YouTube
R.C. Sproul  •  2013
Video on YouTube of Tom Pennington at the Strange Fire conference entitled, a case for cessationism.o
65 min  •  Video • Audio • Text

280K views on YouTube
Tom Pennington  •  2013
Visit a YouTube playlist of 59 episodes of Bible verses you're probably getting wrong.
59 1-min episodes  •  Video (on YouTube)

Watch video of, does Jesus stand at the door and knock?
1 min  •  Video  •  Text (on YouTube)

Watch video on how to interpret the verse in Jeremiah 29:11, about a plan to prosper you.
1 min  •  Video  •  Text (on YouTube)

Watch video on the misinterpretation of the verse, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
1 min  •  Video  •  Text (on YouTube)

The Strange Fire conference series from Grace to You evaluates the doctrines, claims, and practices of the modern charismatic movement.

Costi Hinn and the Holy Spirit

False teachings

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62 min  •  Video • Audio • Text

1.6M views on YouTube
John MacArthur  •  2013
Video on YouTube of John MacArthur's opening talk at the Strange Fire conference.
65 min  •  Video • Audio • Text

561K views on YouTube
John MacArthur  •  2013
Watch a YouTube video of paralyzed Joni Eareckson Tada deliver a message entitled, a Deeper Healing.
27 min  •  Video • Audio • Text

237K views on YouTube
Joni Eareckson Tada  •  2013
Watch a YouTube video of Nathan Busenitz deliver a message at the Strange Fire conference entitled, Evaluating the Modern Gift of Prophecy.
70 min  •  Video • Audio • Text

164K views on YouTube
Nathan Busenitz  •  2013
Watch video of Costi Hinn explain his experience of watching thousands of people, supposedly slain in the spirit at healing services.
18 min  •  Video  (on YouTube)

83K views on YouTube
Costi Hinn  •  2023
Watch video of Costi Hinn explain biblically why speaking in tongues today is not what it was in Bible times.
29 min  •  Video  (on YouTube)

116K views on YouTube
Costi Hinn  •  2024
Watch YouTube video of Costi Hinn discussing the question, Does the Holy Spirit Speak Today?
35 min  •  Video  (on YouTube)

34K views on YouTube
Costi Hinn  •  2023
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29 min  •  Video  (on YouTube)

42K views on YouTube
Costi Hinn  •  2023
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56 min  •  Video  ( on YouTube)

6M views on YouTube
John MacArthur  •  2010
Listen to a talk by John MacArthur from his Charisatic Chaos series entitled, Does God Still Heal?
61 min  •  Audio  •  Text

John MacArthur  •  1991
Watch a video of Ray Comfort where he blasts pastor Andy Stanley's belief in evolution.
9 min  •  Video  (on YouTube)

625K views on YouTube
Ray Comfort  •  2023
Listen to a talk by Voddie Baucham entitled, Beware of False Prophets focusing on Matthew 7:15-20.
46 min  •  Audio

Grace Family Baptist (on YouTube)

60K views on YouTube
Voddie Baucham  •  2023

Costi Hinn, the nephew of faith healer Benny Hinn, worked as a "catcher" of those "slain in the spirit" at healing meetings. Costi soon discovered this false belief system wasn't very Biblical and now exposes what's wrong with it as a pastor in Chandler, Arizona.

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