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Creation vs Evolution

Discover our favorite videos on Biblical creation that debunk evolution on BIBLE SURF

Do fossils really show that creatures gradually evolved from simple to complex?

2 min  •  Video (on Vimeo)

Did thick ice sheets take hundreds of thousands of years to form if each layer represents one year?

2 min  •  Video (on Vimeo)

"Junk" DNA? Darwinists assume creatures evolved through mutations and must be full of useless DNA

2 min  •  Video (on Vimeo)

In 1859, Darwin speculated that bears evolved into whales. But does this story hold water?

2 min  •  Video (on Vimeo)

God created the universe in six days. But some question what a “day” means! 

2 min  •  Video (on Vimeo)

Did humans and dinosaurs co-exist? Are dinosaurs in the Bible?

2 min  •  Video (on Vimeo)

Video of Ken Ham teaching teenages about God's literal 6-day creation.
58 min  •  Video
5.4M views on YouTube • 2017

YouTube video on why dinosaurs did not go extinct 65 million years ago.
25 min •  Video
1M views on YouTube  •  2023 (on YouTube)

YouTube video that refutes the Big Bang theory for the origin of the universe.
75 min  •  Video
951K views on YouTube • 2018 (on YouTube)

YouTube video that destroys Darwin's evolutionary theor.y.
45 min  •  Video
84K views on YouTube • 2023 (on YouTube)

Movie shows museums that alter apes to look like they're transitioning to humans.
68 min  •  Video
422K views on YouTube • 2020 (on YouTube)

Video of Noah's flood impact on the splitting of the continents.
23 min  •  Video
2.9M views on YouTube • 2018 (on YouTube)

Watch 9 videos that destroy the 7 myths of evolution.
Free book (265 pages downloadable PDF)
9 Videos (6-22 minutes each)

Video of the transitional ape to man called Lucy with fake human eyes and other manipulations to prove evolution.
16 min  •  Video
Article with pictures

Evolution has largely been debunked as you'll see in the videos and articles on this web page. But did God create the world in six literal days? The Bible says so. However, there is still much debate between young earth and old earth creationists.


Other theories or variations of creation days include:

  • Day-Age Theory (a day equals a thousand or a billion years)

  • Gap Theory (a large gap of time between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2)

  • Theistic Evolution (when evolution stopped, God stepped in)

  • Intelligent Design (there was a designer, but not specified)

Video of Ken Ham teaching about 6 literal days of creation.
15 min  •  Video

Video explaining Intelligent Design for the origin of the universe.
61 min  •  Video

Video of Doctor David Menton explaining why birds could not have evolved from dinosaurs.
61 min  •  Video

Watch the Ark and the Darkness movie on YouTube for free
1 hour 42 min  •  Video  •  88K views on YouTube  •  2024

Watch the most photo-realistic and Biblically-accurate movie about Noah’s Flood ever produced! Originally shown in 1,000+ theaters.

For a shorter 43-minute version, click here! (on YouTube)

Link to audio series on creation and evolution by John MacArthur.

In this free, 12-part series, John MacArthur does an in-depth examination of Genesis chapter 1. The Battle for the Beginning takes you on a fascinating journey into the Bible’s own claims about creation, evolution, and the vital issues at stake. CD series is available for purchase.

50-60 min  •  Audio  •  Text  •  1999  •  John MacArthur  (Grace to You)

Watch a video of atheists denying God when interviewed by Ray Comfort
62 min  •  4.2M views on YouTube  •  Video  •  Ray Comfort

Ray Comfort reveals what is going on in the mind of those who deny God exists. A number of atheists enter into a place of honesty that is rarely seen on film.

Watch a video of R.C. Sproul discussing the creation of the universe and the opposingclaims of evolutionists.
28 min  •  33K views on YouTube  •  Video  •  R.C. Sproul

In this lesson on creation, Dr. R.C. Sproul examines the opposing claims of secularists. He shows that only the biblical record can satisfactorily establish the beginning and purpose for all that exists. This is the first in a 12-part series on Themes from Genesis.

Video of Dr. Stephen Meyers discussing Darwin, big bang, intelligent design and how science and Christianity work together.
63 min  •  194K views on YouTube  •  Video  •  Dr. Stephen Meyer

In this message, Dr. Stephen Meyer explains why science and Christianity, when properly understood, are not in conflict with each other. He discusses Darwin, Newton, Einstein, Hubble, expanding universe, intelligent design, DNA and more.

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