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Enjoy hand-selected videos and sermons watched by millions on BIBLE SURF

Watch YouTube video of Paul Washer questioning youth if they are really Christians.
57 min  •  4.1M views and 426K views on YouTube  •  Video  •  Paul Washer

Paul Washer shares a shocking message at a youth conference about 20 years ago that is still relevant today.

Visit an End Times web page with soldiers fighting on Bible Surf
Premillennial  Dispensational  •  Premillennial Historic  • Postmillennial  •  Amillennial 

Enjoy the best videos, charts and surveys on the different views of the Rapture, Tribulation, Antichrist, Millennium, Second Coming and more.

Watch the Ark and the Darkness Movie on YouTube
1 hour 42 min  •  88K views on YouTube  •  Video  •  2024

Watch the most photo-realistic and Biblically-accurate movie about Noah’s Flood ever produced! Originally shown in 1,000+ theaters.

For a shorter 43-minute version, click here!

Listen to John MacArthur explain why God allows so much suffering in the world.
65 min  •  7.6M views on YouTube  •  Video  •  Audio  •  Text  •  John MacArthur

John MacArthur addresses one of the most frequently asked questions on stage at Ligonier's 2008 West Coast Conference.  (Grace To You)

Listen to Ray Comfort explain why so many people fall away from their faith.
52 min  •  85K views  •  Audio  •  Text  •  Ray Comfort

Ray Comfort addresses why 80–90% of those making a decision for Christ fall away from the faith? What is the biblical principle that Spurgeon, Wesley, Whitefield, etc., used to reach the lost?

Watch Ray Comfort interview a young man who doesn't believe in God,, then changes his mind.
10 min  •  4.5M views on YouTube  •  Video  •  Ray Comfort

Ray Comfort, a Christian evangelist, talks about Jesus with a young man who doesn’t care much about Christianity at first.

Creation vs evolution – best websites

Watch Philip De Courcy explain what Biblical masculinity should look like.
71 min  •  Video  •  Audio  •  Text  •  Philip De Courcy

Philip De Courcy explores the importance of confident, courageous, and clear-headed men within the church. (Know The Truth)

Watch Justin Petersexpose false teachers in the word-faith movement.
65 min  •  2.3M views on YouTube  •  2013  •  Video  •  Audio  •  Text  •  Justin Peters

Justin Peters focuses on teaching the sufficiency of God's word and exposing the false teachings of the prosperity, health and wealth gospel.  (on

Watch video of Ken Ham discuss the importance of origins in Genesis
63 min  •  60K views on YouTube  •  2022  •  Video  •  Audio  •  Ken Ham

Ken Ham explains the importance of Genesis 1-11 and how it deals with race, the sanctity of life, marriage, creation, age of the earth, gender, suffering and more. It's full of charts, graphics and surveys. A must watch! (on

Watch video of the answer to: Is once saved, always saved true?
4 min  •  Text  •  Video

Watch video of what the Bible says about getting a tattoo.
4 min  •  Text  •  Video

Watch video of what happens to people after they die.
3 min  •  Text  •  Video

Watch video of: Should women be pastors?
8 min  •  Text  •  Video

Watch theGenesis Impact Movie where museums falsly represent apes with human-like features.
68 min  •  422K views  •  Video on YouTube  •  2020

This YouTube video dismantles Darwinian evolution.
45 min  •  84K views  •  Video on YouTube  •  2023

Watch video showing that the fossil record shows that creatures did not evolve over time.
2 min  •  Video (Institute for Creation Research)

This creation video shows science confirms the Bible
58 min  •  Video  •  5.4M views on YouTube  •  2017

" I love listening to these talks while driving or running errands. I'm learning so much during the time in my day that used to be unproductive. "

Terese M.

Watch YouTube video of Justin Peters exposing false teachers in the Word of Faith and Prosperity Gospel movement.
28 min  •  11M views on YouTube  •  2011  •  Video  •  Justin Peters

Justin Peters teaches a biblical eye-opening seminar around the world that exposes the deceptions of the prosperity gospel.

Justin  (on YouTube)

Visit a YouTube playlist of 59 episodes of Bible verses you're probably getting wrong.
59 1-min episodes  •  Video (on YouTube)

Watch video of, does Jesus stand at the door and knock?
1 min  •  Video  •  Text (on YouTube)

Watch video on how to interpret the verse in Jeremiah 29:11, about a plan to prosper you.
1 min  •  Video  •  Text (on YouTube)

Watch video on the misinterpretation of the verse, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
1 min  •  Video  •  Text (on YouTube)

Watch video of atheist denying God  when interviewed by Ray Comfort
62 min  •  4.2M views  •  Video  •  Ray Comfort

Ray Comfort reveals what is going on in the mind of those who deny God exists. A number of atheists enter into a place of honesty that is rarely seen on film.

Watch sermon entitled "Who is the Antichrist" by John MacArthur
51 min  •  909K views on YouTube  •  Video  •  Audio  •  Text  •  John MacArthur  •  2019 

Was it a past leader? Was it Herod? Was it Hitler? Is it symbolic? Is it a person in the future? This sermon answers these questions and more from a Premillennial position.

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